The Robertson Panel

The Robertson Panel also known as the Durant Report was setup in secret meetings at the Pentagon from 14-17th of January 1953. It purpose was the discussion of UFOs and what could be done about them.

The Panel consisted of the following members:
Dr H.P Robertson (Chairman) - Speciality was physics and weapons systems.
Dr Luis Alvarez - Physics and Radar.
Dr Lloyd V. Berkner - Geophysics.
Dr Samuel Goudsmit - Atomic structure and statistical problems.
Dr Thornton Page - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Dr J Allen Hynek - Astronomy.
Frederick C. Durant - Missiles and Rockets.

The panel basically agreed that all UFO sightings were all explainable. However, they did recommend that a policy of debunking all UFO reports be instigated, and that popular UFO groups be monitored and infiltrated.

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